mlt architects

min lab for things  –

architecture and design

mlt architects – stands for min lab for things – is an architectural design and research group based in Seoul.

It explores new possibilities of architecture through the combination of various things such as

users, environment, materials, and programs with the various architectural phenomenas that stem from society, culture, and engineering in everyday life.


김선민 │ Kim, Sunmin

대표, 건축사 │ Architect, KIRA

중앙대학교 겸임 교수  │ Adjunct Professor

중앙대학교 학사

중앙대학교 석사

디자인밴드 요앞 

유현준 건축사사무소

mlt architects 설

T.   070.8080.2894


I.    @mlt_archi